
Monday, 13 February 2012

half term - half way to a break down!!!

Ah, half term is upon us again..... six weeks goes so quickly when you are on the other end of the school thang!!!!!!

Mentally in my head I have planned all the activities for the next few days. Cooking, visit to the library, play dates, soft play visit, maybe a trip to the cinema/swimming pool, hair cuts, school shoes to buy, visits to the grandparents, dog walking, visit to the park, painting, ......... whew, I feel exhausted just looking at the list never mind doing the whole list.

Why do we feel inclined to fill every waking moment of the school holidays?  Its ment to be a holiday yet at the end of it I for one am totally exhausted !!!!!!!!

From the moment their eyes are open i find myself asking 'what do you want to do?' - thinking of all the educational value of different activities - just because they are at home doesn't mean that they can't learn!!!  Also must fit in the reading of school book and words for No1 son , the darling diva is doing shape recognition at nursery so that needs reinforcing along with name recognition.

Can't have the tele on too much, must do puzzles, draw, sing, colour etc.........

This is of course on top of the usual everyday jobs... cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing etc......
Are twenty four hours in a day enough i hear you cry!!!!!   And you just know that with the two of them being together for the next few days there will be a million and one arguementst that you have to referee!!!!!

Looking at their little faces with dark eyes (thats because they have colds and don't sleep enough!!) all i want to do is tuck them into bed and dose them up with sleeping tablets for the next seventy two hours!  I did say thats what i would like to do, not what i would do, so put the phone down to social services please!!!!!

So it was really refreshing this morning when I asked the loaded question ' what shall we do today' that the reply was 'can we just play?'..... ahhhhhhh, feet up then, cuppa in hand, pass the bourbon creams please. its gonna be a lovely day!!!!

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