My mum said to me the other day 'you look tired honey' 'thanks' said I
My husband said 'did you sleep ok? you look tired' 'Go away' said I
A friend said last week ' kids keeping you up' ........... So i took the plunge and looked in the mirror!! I mean really looked!! Not just the obligatory glance as I slap some face cream on and pull my hair back.
OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I got old!!!!!! when did that happen?
Somewhere between 2007 and 2012 I have developed wrinkles, creases, bags under my eyes, grey hair need I go on!! I have religiously put cream on day and night but have never really paid much attention to the details. I pluck the occasional stray eyebrow hair and on a good day i actually put on make up, but i feel the time has come - and is probably too late if i am honest - to start paying attention to my appearance.
I mean there are days when i have realised (usually a little too late!!) that i have left the house without brushing my hair, or that my tshirt is inside out and on one occasion (and never since i might add!!!) i hadn't cleaned my teeth!!!!!!!! This is what having children does to you!! They ruin you!!!!!
So as well as saggy boobs, belly, and an odd stretch mark they are now laying waste to my face!!!
I must screw my face up when shouting, thats where the frown lines come from, i must need more than the average six hours solid sleep my children allow me, i must need to colour my hair more regularly due to the stress that is changing my hair from natural blonde (cough!!) to silver/grey!!!
Now dont get me wrong i try to make an effort, i really do and when i get the time to myself if i am going out somewhere decent I will put on a full face of makeup and think to myself 'not bad'!!
But on a day to day basis can i really be arsed? I pick up my mascara and a child shouts for something, I run around after them getting them ready for school and then dont need to worry about blush as my face is red from getting annoyed or shouting!!! I should get the straighteners out to do something with the fringe but then i panic i didnt turn them off and then i have to turn the car around and this makes us late etcc.............
At No1 sons school there are alot of yummy mummies in their high heels and full makeup with hair perfect and then there is me, slinking in at the back hoping no one notices the weetabix down my top or the fact that i haven't washed my hair in two days!!!!
So mirror mirror on the wall I know its an ask but could you make me look through that dreamy hazy hollywood fog and seem half decent just for the day!!!!!!
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