
Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Is it wine o'clock???

I have always enjoyed a drink or two - I'm sure there are plenty of people out there with one or two or three stories about my overindulgence in my youth (ok and the present if I'm completely honest!!!) - but I have never thought of myself as having a problem....... Until now!!!

Last week, after a particularly hard day with the diva, dog, house, and No1 son, I poured myself a glass of crisp, cold Pinot which I stood slurping whilst cooking the kids tea.  With each sip, I felt myself slowly transforming from bad tempered shrew to better mummy - even enquiring after No1 sons day!!!!!!! Then hubby walked in and spoilt it by announcing " drinking already? You know it's only five pm on a Tuesday!!!"  Hmmmmm this is a problem? A tea time tipple?? Not as if its a one off, and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this !

There was a survey recently -in essentials magazine - about how mums relax and 2/3rds admit to pouring a glass after a stressful day, 1 in 6 said they drink most days of the week - ok, ok, once upon a time I could count myself in that group but I've cut down honest!!!!!   But it got me thinking about appropriate drinking behaviour - Why is it so many people tut tut at the thought of a mummy with a martini!!!
Who says that looking after children all day is any less stressful than a high powered executive job? Colleagues have drinks after work so why can't us mums??? Although can I add I'm not advocating Pimms on a play date!!

What we need to remember is everything in moderation!!! One, two miss a few is my new moto!! A couple of glasses , a couple of times a week with a few days off in between!!
Sometimes after answering to others- mainly the kids! - all day, it's nice to do something for ME, and if its reading a chapter of my book or having a glass of wine whilst cooking then I couldn't care less what time it is!!!!

But is this regular drinking really bad for me? I don't want to lose what sometimes feels like the only pleasurable part in my hectic day! So it's encouraging that its been found that those who drink in moderation had sharper thought processes than those who drank nothing at all - god help us as I'm woolly at the best of times!!!!!

Sometimes it's a cup of tea that's needed - crying needs tea, shock needs tea, first thing in the morning needs tea!!! Maybe a relaxing cup of horlicks - definitely needed on freezing cold nights!!!! Maybe even a latte with friends - goes down nicely with a slice of carrot cake and a bit of a gossip!!!
But knowing the option of a glass of crisp white is mine to take makes it even more enjoyable, and what's that saying " somewhere in the world the sun is over the yard arm!!!!"

Post script : this was written under the influence of a glass of Sauvignon blanc!!

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